No Matter How Base

by Richard Hartwell

Leaders of the new China
seeking esteem and honor
you seem to have forgotten
how base the origin of the lotus.

From out of muck and filth
pads and buds reach for the sun
bursting pure blossoms that belie
how base the origin of the lotus.

However long the Yangtze flows still
it meets the sea eventually though its
floods deposit new soil and despair
how base the origin of the lotus.

Even as elite powers insisted and
forbade the people to meet en masse
still they came and would not resist
how base the origin of the lotus.

So too do the ideals of Zhu Yufu
underscore yearnings of the new
true People's China regardless of
how base the origin of the lotus.

Leaders of the new China
release the emerging bloom
pure longing for personal liberty
how base the origin of the lotus.

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